Lecture 8: Interview Skills
With Lee Houghton
Today we met with Lee Houghton who discussed tips for an interview as well as providing some of the most common questions we could get asked during an interview. The lecture began with him explaining the importance of having a good portfolio describing it as the cover letter of an creative industry interview. Houghton advised using a digital portfolio as it's easier for an employer to look at and scroll through. This was interesting to learn as I recalled last year a similar lecture where we were advised to provide a PDF portfolio. To me this highlighted the importance of having both as you never know what you're going to be asked for when you get into an interview.
Houghton also covered the different types of interviews we could Encounter I find it particularly interesting to note you could be asked for a video interview where you record yourself and deliver it to the employer. This isn't a typical type of interview and isn't something that I would have previously been prepared for. However with the current climate it's a definite possibility for the future. He described live interviews as anything from telephone Skype call or zoom call. This is a concept I was more familiar with and found to be far more comforting given that over the last few months I've had a lot of practice utilising these platforms in lectures, tutorials and appointments. We also discussed the more traditional interviews of one-to-one or group interviews both of which I have experienced in the past when going for a part-time job. He also discussed a term called ‘panel interview’ this wasn't something I was familiar with however after he described it I realise that I have done something similar whilst on this course. During the studio design module we had to deliver a presentation to a panel of lecturers and professionals. At the time it was a daunting experience, now however I find it comforting to have some insight into what would be expected in that situation.
The STAR Technique
Over the course of today’s lecture Houghton demonstrated possible scenarios and questions on how to successfully answer an interviewer's questions. The STAR technique isn't something I was familiar with before this lecture but Houghton described it as an effective technique used to address questions in your interview. S.T.A.R stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. To deliver context, you open with describing the Situation. Next you explain the Task, including expectations and challenges you would face. This part is where you would discuss the Actions you took. Finally Result, this is where you convey the finished product or outcome.