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LinkedIn Learning: Creating Brand Identity Assets

* Beginner * Course

Today I completed a course on brand identity assets. I chose this course specifically with my business cards, portfolio and manifesto in mind. Identity systems consist of anything that incorporates the logo, colours and styling of the overall brand. The purpose of this course was to teach the importance of establishing a clear branding as well as building an identity system through guides.

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer's decision to choose one product or service over another.” -Seth Godin

S.I.C or Simple, Iconic, Consistent

I have a habit of getting ahead of myself when it comes to presenting myself. I’m never sure what to focus on and instead can come up with several ideas that I want to do. This is something I mentioned last week as I was creating my business cards. However this course taught me that for your work to be remembered you're better off keeping it simple and allowing it to compliment the overall brand. In my case this means I will be focused on getting my work to demonstrate an overall idea of what I can do keeping it as broad and simple as possible.

Iconic, this one took me a while to grasp but the idea is that if you want something iconic it needs to be instantly recognisable and stand out from others.

Consistency builds awareness. Whilst I can’t brag about a large platform of awareness yet, I know consistent branding is something I previously addressed as an issue in my first blog post of this term but it is definitely an area I have been improving on recently and I’m pleased with the idea of having my other assets convey that.

Ultimately I found this course really helpful and I know the content I created during this course will really assist me in building a clear and consistent identity. A good example of how it will help is the yellow which I have used over all my platforms, interestingly enough I hadn't found a way to create a consistency to the exact tone and instead had been eyeballing the colour each time. Now that I understand how the values of colour work and the conversions for my selected colour, I think it will be a lot easier to create identity assets and to build a professional appearance.

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