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LinkedIn Learning: Ideas that Resonate

35m * Beginner * Course

I chose this course as a continuation of the ‘Improve your Creativity Skills’ learning path. This course is all about creating content that will effectively engage an audience. The focus is understanding how to develop compelling ideas. I really enjoyed this course and felt the examples used were helpful in understanding Stefan Mumaw’s principles on a good design development. I particularly appreciated how the sources were made easily accessible through links that allowed for a full consumer experience. I felt this provided me with further insights into the concept or idea that Mumaw was referring to through these examples.

The Paradigm Shift in Advertising

Stefan Mumaw started this section by analysing the shift in buyer behaviour. He did this by referring to the ‘purchase drivers’ this was not a phrase I was familiar with at the beginning of this course however now I am aware that purchase drivers are the reasons that persuade or dissuade a consumer into paying for a product or service.

The primary rationale purchase drivers are product and price. Product represents the features and benefits whereas price equates to value of trade. These are the rationale purchase drivers initiating buyer behaviour. Fortunately these aren’t the only purchased drivers, as humans we have emotional purchase drivers. The primary emotional purchase drivers are experience, trust and convenience. All this is a conscious or subconscious part of the consumers decision-making process in whether or not to purchase a product.

Social media nowadays has a massive influence in both advertising and buyer behaviour. The proliferation of Internet data and the influence of social media provides the consumer power and control to better understand and gain trust in a product. Reviews by friends or followers on social media can go a long way as they come from a trusted source and can be further shared by your friends or followers. This can significantly affect a business both negatively and positively.

The Seven Characteristics of Powerful Ideas:

1 Emotional

2 Entertaining

3 Experimental

4 Novel

5 Story Based

6 Authentic

7 Risky

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